Wednesday 28 January 2009

Sir David Attenborough

As if Sir David Attenborough wasn't already enough of a legend, in an interview in the most recent edition of the Radio Times, he has spoken about his lack of belief in God ("It never really occurred to me to believe in God"), evolution ("Evolution is not a theory; it is a fact, every bit as much as the historical fact that William the Conqueror landed in 1066"), and death threats from Christians - ("They tell me to burn in hell and good riddance").

He also recounts a great response to the argument from design. When people ask him why he doesn't credit God in his nature programmes:

"They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds.
I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in East Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.

The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs.

I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."

As Russell Brand said of the Christian right after joking about chastity at the 2008 VMAs, "for a people that believe in forgiveness, they ain't half willing to pop a cap in your arse."

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