Tuesday 10 February 2009

Heroic summary of the case against MMR causing autism

I don't really want to use this blog to re-post stuff from other people's blogs. It's lazy, for one thing, and seems to rather miss the point of having an outlet for my own thoughts. That said, however, I shall now go on and do just that.

As part of the aftermath of Ben Goldacre's (of Bad Science) ripping of a radio show on LBC by Jeni Barnett, Holford Watch have written an absolutely heroic summary of the evidence in favour of vaccinations. It contains more links that you could shake many many sticks at and is a generally excellent repository of scientific and popular information on the subject.

If anyone reading this believes that MMR causes autism (and is intellectually truthful enough to be willing to objectively evaluate evidence), I urge you to read this post and click through to a few of the links on there.

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